
Help individuals, families, and societies to better cope with life challenges related to illness and health, by promoting rigorous science, precise interventions, and close collaborations.

The EHPS is pleased to announce that applications for Conference/CREATE Workshop/Synergy Expert Meeting/Bring a Stakeholder grants are now open.
Deadline for grant applications: Friday 16th May 2025

The purpose of the conference/workshop grants is to encourage talented researchers and graduate students who do not otherwise have access to funding to attend the EHPS conference and/or the CREATE workshop or Synergy Expert meeting.

Synergy Expert Meeting Grants

Synergy Expert Meeting grants are intended for more senior researchers who are accepted onto the Synergy expert meeting.
Each grant is for a maximum €1300 toward expert meeting registration, conference registration, accommodation, and travel.
For more detailed information about the grant application process and tips for a successful application, please refer to the CREATE webinar.

Grant Selection Process

Please send your application electronically to the Grants Officer (


Applications will be dual reviewed by the Grants Officer plus a Synergy reviewer.

Decisions on acceptance/rejection of submitted applications will be acknowledged within three weeks after the deadline.
The selection criteria are:
Relevance of the applicant’s work to the topic of the Expert meeting.
Clear demonstration of financial need.
Potential of the fund to promote the career/research of the recipient at this particular time.
Application documents:

Please collate the following documents into ONE file (PDF) before submitting (please note, applications not received in the requested format will not be reviewed):

A one-page supporting letter, to include: the reasons for applying for the grant, your planned contribution to the Expert meeting and why this would be particularly beneficial to your career/research at this time, and any background information relevant to your funding situation.
Curriculum Vitae (max 2 pages).
An official statement from your employer or supervisor that no funding is being provided from the University or Institution and confirming the financial need.
An estimate of total expected expenses (conference registration fee, accommodation, and travel).
Precondition and expectations for receiving grants from the EHPS:
Candidates must be EHPS members when accepting the grant.
Grant recipients in the past three years are not eligible for application.
Grants cannot exceed the maximum amount of costs indicated above.
Candidates should give an estimate of their expenses upon application. Final reimbursement is based on the actual expenses per original receipts.

A condition of funding is that successful awardees will be required to write (a) a collective conference report for potential publication in European Health Psychologist (EHP) facilitated by the EHP Editorial Team and (b) a 300-500-word individual short report on how the grant helped with their career or their networking opportunities. These awardee reports are to reflect on what was gained (academically and personally) through the EHPS Grant supported attendance.

The Synergy Expert Meeting grant can only be used for the upcoming conference. It cannot be carried over to the following year and it cannot be given to another person to attend the conference.
If for any reason the grant recipient cannot attend the conference ‘in person’, the EHPS Grants Officer must be informed prior to the conference. The conference registration may be changed to online attendance at the discretion of the EHPS Grants Officer. In this instance, the grant will cover online conference registration only. It will be assumed that the grant recipient will not incur any travel or accommodation costs when attending online.

Grant Winners 2024

Daniella Watson, UK

Grant Winners 2023

Lauren Gatting, UK
Benjamin Rigby, UK